As we are a week from multicultural day, my sister &* ihave have decided to go get our alfit together at the Palisades Center Mall. imean zamn we had a blast! ;it was funny as well, cause every store that had a sign that read "now hiring" iwent &* applied for it. imean can you blame me though?...ireally do need a job - i`m sitting here doing nothing at home at times ;don`t get me wrong my life if busy with the studio stuff &* cheerleading, as well as school but the job thing is needed for all those activities, but that`s besides the point. we got some food to eat and caught up on the drama &* shid that`s been going on. ifilled her in on everything cause itrust her with my life zeadass. We called Jon to come get us, &* this boy was acting mad reckless &* was complaining about how hungry he was. So we went upstairs to some juice store, &* icould have sworn iseen Steeve starring at from the other side of the mall. Steeve is a kid who use to live at my grandfather`s house but as we grew up, we also grew apart - &*developed some type of hate for one another. But oh well, when Elourde &* ifinally got to her house we put on our alfit`s &* just started acting a fool. We started dancing, &* of course ihad to eat something lolx.
Oh YESS* the web cam was on deck..making video`s as well as taking pictures &* chattin on oovoo with nico - that was the funniest part of the night ihave to say. Elourde &* iwere entertaining her to the fullest with our craziness hahaha!
ihave to say that twas one of the best nights that ihad with her. &* i`m zeadass phinna miss her when she goes off to college - so for me ifeel as if it`s my dutty to spend as much time with my big sister as ican. iloveyou Elourde with all my soul boo*MWUAHS{ !!!!!! } HIGH FIVE:)